Being near the ever-approaching “outside world” society, I finally got to realize that life will never be like what it was when I was in high school…

Who is a friend? Who is a foe… What I can do is to protect myself…

Well, funny thing is that I went ahead to find where the guy’s gal was working at… and we saw a Kancil that looked just like theirs… So we did a funny thing, and stopped by a nearby mamak shop to wait for the owner of the car, while having our dinner… It was about 6 o clock at that time and so we waited… and waited…

and waited…

But still, nobody came… Frustrated, we went back home…

Thinking back: what could we have done even if we had realized that the car really belonged to that two little thiefs… Should we force them to pay? Should we kidnap them?(>.<) Well, Lu Ling suggested that we scratch their car until it is beyond any repair… Okie, so what good would that be to us… We still won’t be getting any of that money back, then what’s the point of doing this to them? She says: ” I’ll be happy just to see that they need to spend all their stolen money to repair their car…”

Well, of course we didn’t do that…

From my point of view, what goes around comes around… No point in being the bad guy here… Even if they were to receive any retribution of any sort, there won’t be a need for me to take revenge on him… Bad things find their way themselves to the bad guys… and by scratching their car, I’ll be taking part of the bad stuff too…

So do believe in the Third Law of Newton: To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction…

They stole my money and cheated on me… To the other side of the equation will be a retribution falling on him, be it he loses his money somehow, or something worse happening to him… Cheating money doesn’t always have to be paid back by money… and for me losing money, I will get some good from it no matter how…

That is my belief…

The world goes round, and so do everything else…

“塞翁失马, 焉知非福”