Nobuo Uematsu…

“For the first time in my life, I understood the meaning of buying original soundtracks to support the artistes that you admire…”

This happened some time in my Junior 3 or Senior 1 years in Foon Yew High School… I was listening to the soundtrack of Final Fantasy VIII “Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec” Album. There was this song called “Fisherman’s Horizon”… The chills i had when the double bass struck in, it was unimaginable…

His music had been the cause of my emoness for the past seven years… Every time I sit down in my room in the middle of the night and listen to the music of FF, I just can’t help but feel how much has changed around me… The time when someone first introduced me to the game and the music behind it… When we would go online and find piano scores of the songs and practise it. I know it sounds really gay, but every single time I listen to these pieces of music, I just can’t help but suddenly think of you and know that only you would understand how I felt towards these songs… The times where we practised the songs and played at the school grand piano, and even progressed to taking part in the 钢琴独奏赛 for 1000 no kotoba and To Zanarkand… to-zanarkand.mp3

But as time goes on, things just aren’t how they were used to be. These songs are just part of my life that once were. It’s been god knows how long since I last touched the piano. I’ve changed…

But yet… I still feel the same whenever these musical notes pass through my heart.

Words can never express what I’m feeling now. How do I share these inner feelings when there is nothing to share?

The emoness must go on…

I just want to say Thank you, Friend.